You should check out my books: Hello, Startup and Terraform: Up & Running

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Bitcoin by analogy

Bitcoin is the first purely digital, decentralized money. It has been on my mind a lot lately and apparently, I'm not the only one. Paul Graham called it a para...

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Bitcoin Comments

Got fast download but slow upload speeds? Here's a fix.

If you’ve found that your download speed is great, but your upload speed is abysmal, I’ve got a possible solution for you. I struggled with this issue for a whi...

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HowTo Comments

Six programming paradigms that will change how you think about coding

Update #1: this post hit the front page of r/programming and HN. Thank you for the great feedback! I’ve added some corrections below.

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So long, and thanks for all the t-shirts

In 2009, I joined LinkedIn as a Software Engineer. 5 years, 25 t-shirts, 50 hackdays, 4000 employees, several hundred million members, a billion dollars in reve...

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LinkedIn Comments

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started with the Play Framework

Are you trying to get started with the Play Framework? Struggling to wrap your head around Futures, SBT, Scala, Functional Programming, or Iteratees? Then you've ...

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HowTo, Play Comments

Maxing out at 50 concurrent connections with Play or Netty on OS X? Here's a fix.

I recently ran across a strange problem with the Play Framework and Netty: on Linux, my Play app could easily handle thousands of concurrent connections; on OS...

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HowTo, Play Comments

Composable and Streamable Play Apps

A blog post I wrote on the LinkedIn Engineering Blog about Composable and Streamable Play Apps::

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A thousand lives

The other day, I was going through some old files on my computer, and stumbled across a paper that blew my mind. It was a technical write up of an experiment wi...

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What is the current webstack LinkedIn uses?

My answer on Quora to What is the current webstack LinkedIn uses?:

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In which ways do you use the play framework in your company?

My answer on Quora to In which ways do you use the play framework in your company?:

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