You should check out my books: Hello, Startup and Terraform: Up & Running

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My 2009 Goals

I meant to post these a long time ago, but somehow never got around to it. Anyways, I figure better late the never. Here is the long list of goals I hope to acc...

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How I lost 43lbs

My bodyweight during 2008:

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A Tribute to Crossfit

July 7, 2008, was the day I got my ass kicked by Murph. It was the day that I experienced a 42 minute beat down that left me lying in a pool of my own sweat wit...

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Another "Gotcha", this time in HTML

I couldn’t resist another dorky software engineering post. Non dorks may stop reading here.

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A Subtle Java 1.5 "Gotcha"

I couldn’t resist creating this very short, dorky and entirely programming-focused entry today. If you are not a software engineer, read no further. You have be...

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iPhone 3G

The original iPhone, released in 2007, was a “game-changing” phone and multimedia device. It didn’t really bring anything new to the field, but as is typical of...

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Gadgets Comments

Eten Glofiish M800 Review

For those that don’t know, the Eten Glofiish m800 is a phone. And a PDA. With GPS. And keyboard. And it runs Windows. And…

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Review, Gadgets Comments

Why I probably won't be buying a mac any time soon...

I’ll just jump right into it. Since the last blog entry about the Mac, here are:

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Review Comments

Weight lifting

I do a lot of things the majority of people really don’t understand. For example, software engineering. The average person just doesn’t know what it is, often c...

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Working on a Mac

At my new job (at TripAdvisor), we were given the following choice for the work computer:

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